We need to re-assess the commonly accepted view of our history.

There are un-resolved mysteries that the conventional story of mankind’s development does not explain:

Ice ages - the cause of ice ages and why they come to an end is not known. It is also known that places now at the Equator have been glaciated in the past, which cannot be explained by continental drift. Is there another mechanism in play that can cause the temperature as recorded in ice cores to vary?

Creation of ice cover - build-up of great thicknesses of ice cover, as on Greenland and Antarctica, requires high precipitation, the snow that is compressed into ice. That needs warn temperatures to evaporate plenty of water from the oceans. In the cold and dry periods of ‘ice ages’ there is much less precipitation. It is not a straightforward matter of cooling of the Earth creating more ice cover.

Position of ice cover - glaciation in Europe and America during the last ‘ice age’ is not centred on the current North Pole. Where the ice was suggests the North Pole was in the Hudson Bay area.

Evolution of humans - our DNA is known to contain sections that indicate that early modern humans interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans, but there is no clarity which pre-cursor species humans evolved from. The early modern humans who existed from around 200,000 years ago then underwent a sudden brain evolution around 60,000 years ago, judging by the artefacts they have left.

The spread of humans - investigation of the DNA of modern populations and from bones of ancient humans indicates that a genetically different population suddenly appeared or arrived in the Middle East around 12,000 years ago, from where we do not know. This population, that established farming practices, then spread their DNA into the existing North Europe populations over the following few thousand years.

The trigger that caused the move from hunter-gatherer societies to agriculture - the hunter-gatherer lifestyle is easier than farming, taking fewer hours per day, and just as sustainable given sufficient territory to hunt in. The move to farming was a retrograde step in terms of lifestyle. Populations were still small when farming is thought to have developed, so there must have been some other trigger that made it desirable to move to farming.

Pre-cursor development of organised societies and civilisations - the appearance of agriculture in the fertile crescent and a few other places, and the development of cities and civilisations that followed happened in a remarkably short timescale. Slow pre-cursor developments could logically be expected from 50,000 BP to 12,000 BP but have not been found. We have not found evidence of quarrying and the use of stone for building prior to 12,000 BP. The use of stone for building appears to start suddenly at Gobekli Tepe, with huge megalithic stones. In addition these stones have relief carving of animals and symbols, which is much more difficult to achieve than carvings cut into a fat surface.

The impact of sea-level rise on archeological evidence - the 300 foot rise in sea level between 17,000 BP and 7000 BP is not factored into the thinking of most archeologists.

The Flood - archeologists have no satisfactory explanation of the worldwide stories of an extinction-level flooding event.

The worship of gods - human societies that have not been caught up in the development of cities and civilisations and have remained as hunter-gatherers tend to have shamanistic worship focused on the spirit world. Religions and the worship of named gods has developed in association with the development of civilisations. Is there something about the way that city civilisations started that has caused or stimulated the invention of religions?

Massively megalithic constructions - a very few massive megalithic constructions around the world can only have been built with stone cutting and moving technology that was way beyond human capabilities at the time, and in some cases is still beyond today’s technology. Of particular note are the trilithon stones at Baalbeck, the fact that Egyptian pyramid building technology seems to have started at it’s zenith with the great pyramid and then declined, and the very precise cutting and the joining of multi-sided megalithic blocks in South America.